From R 1,725.00/image
Confirm your requirements with regards to scenes and we design the background images accordingly based on your screen resolution requirements.
Size format: 16:9 = 1920 pixels wide x 1080 pixels high (300dpi) - standard HD size
Size format: 21:9 = 2100 pixels wide x 900 pixels high (300dpi)
Image files provide as JPG or PNG file format
From R 3,450.00/video
Similar to image design, we also provide motion graphic video which enhances the background scene. The video can be provided as 21:9 or 16:9 MPG files which can be looped in order to have a seamless running background until the next scene is required.
Size format: 16:9 = 1920 pixels wide x 1080 pixels high (300dpi) - standard HD size
Size format: 21:9 = 2100 pixels wide x 900 pixels high (300dpi)
Video files provided as MPG files
From R 1,725.00
We can assist in building a PowerPoint slideshow or looping video combination clip (we use the background pictures and video clips required, to be included into the slideshow). We ensure that the slideshow is setup with a template background and slide transition animation included.